Saturday, September 6, 2008


So here goes nothing.....RICHVILLE CITGO is CLOSED! After 4 years of employment for whom I thought was a great boss/friend we were all screwed over and I am EXTREMELY PISSED OFF! We found out at 6:30pm Friday night that we are unemployed! LOVELY! Norm stopped paying his bills and as far as we understand...the bank will own the party store in a few weeks. It is emptied and closed as of 9pm Friday night. HA Thanks Norm.....more info on it all later, as of now........I am extremely hurt-tired-mad-sad-shocked-pissed-upset-scared-worried- so I will leave it at that for now. Lots and lots of tears have been shed and some extremely close friends that I have made in 4 years will be dearly missed. Enough for now or I will start crying again! Off to bed



Dawn said...

Oh my Sherri, what a blow. I am so sorry about your job. I had heard earlier that they closed and I just couldn't believe it. Please take care, I'm sure this is extremely disappointing.

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks Dawn. Our biggest thing is how he did it. We had NO IDEA! I've layed in bed and cried the last 2 nights in just shock! Keeping fingers crossed that someone else buys it from the bank within reason, and we can get back in there. I've got such great customers in the morning there that I miss already. I called my favorite guy yesterday morning and cried on the phone with him for 40 minutes yesterday morning. He had already been down to the store and saw it closed! (he's 75 and retired!) it just suxs!!!

Dawn said...

That's so sad Sherri. It would be at least a little easier to swallow if you had some idea but the whole shock of it all has to be so devastating. Hopefully someone will buy it. Good luck.

Mike said...

I had heard the news from Janet yesterday just after we saw you drive by. I'm very sorry to here this. You would think that he would have had the courtesy to let you guys know a little in advance, as well as the customers. I hope too that someone will re-open the store, and if so hopefully you will all be able to return.

sherri and Adam said...

thanks of now, I will enjoy a few months off and collect unemployment.....spend time with my family, but yeah eventually that runs out, and I will need to seek employment! I talked to NORM today...UGH jerk, he just threw his own misfortune into it, but I told him I am allowed to be pissed off at him...we all are. I told him to try to explain to a 6 yr old that moms job closed with no notice...yeah right...anyways, life goes on, just keep us in your prayers! what a shocker....

Lisa said...

Sherri, I am so sorry that you have gotten the shaft. I think this is happening to so many people at this time and it sucks. Not fair. I hope though that this has happened for a reason and that you know when one door closes, another door opens and I know something better will come alone for you. My prayers are with you!!!

sherri and Adam said...

Lisa....Thanks hun. That's kind of how we are looking at it!!

Jill said...

Sherri keep your head up, I really believe that everything happens for a reason.
I'm sure it will all turn out OK, just keep praying as will the rest of us for a great outcome.

Joe said...


Sorry to hear this, but I know you will find another job when the time is right. Keep your chin up, and we will keep you in our prayers :)
