Thursday, September 11, 2008

News in our household lately

So after being a bum and cleaning the house all week, hardly even showering, LOL I finally was able to call about unemployment! WOW do I feel like a looser, but I guess when your screwed out of your job very abruptly, you got to do this to keep your family in tact. It is NO fun. I think it is more work to do this then to find another job. I am really looking forward to getting lots done around our house in the next month or so, but I most certainly miss going to work. I did get a phone call on Tuesday morning that the bank already owns the store, and the locks were changed! Norm lied to us and told us he had 2 weeks, but honestly, the more I find out, I am not surprised he lied about that. I did get an e-mail from Amy Joles at the Tuscola County Advertiser, asking if I'd talk to them about what happened. I called, but haven't heard a thing. My sis-in-law texted me late last night to tell me TV5 was at the store and it was on the news last night at 11pm. I guess they talked to a local customer, but couldn't reach Norm....big surprise! She said they said the store was for sale on e-bay...but I couldn't find it. I do hope and think the chances of us being back in there are very high, but I know it will be awhile. I know there is LOTS of interest! Dawn and I as managers there, have already been told we are wanted to "run" the whole store, while a few owners go partners and work their other jobs! How cool is that!

While cleaning the house, I have decided to have a MAJOR garage sale SOON! Adam and I have lots of stuff we don't want, including the boys wooden swing set from the Richville house (Adam says he's not putting it back up) and the boys HUGE train table and some train pieces. I am not sure when I am opening it, but it will be all week next week, if not some days this weekend. I am just trying to sell stuff that we no longer use to keep our heads above water! Please pass on the news......lots of goodies my kids have out grown. Including fishing poles, hockey and sports stuff, home decor...movies, ps games, ps2 games....whatever they don't use I am selling...LOL Sick of all the clutter laying around. So......I am trying to keep my spirits up, but I am bored at home. I haven't gone anywhere in 3 days! Laundry is caught up, beds have clean sheets, house is clean so today I am finally going to Saginaw for a few things then Bryce has a soccer game at 6pm in Frankenmuth! I also get to go be a looser and go to MI works...oh fun! : ( Hopefully life will turn around sooner then later! This sucks!

Bored at home


Mingok said...

This is a first for you not to be working & collecting unemployment, enjoy it get some things done at the house that you don't have to spend money for & have some fun too! Love you, MOM

Kari said...

Since we just got in touch, I'm not sure what happened with your job. But you're certainly not a looser! things happen and you got to do what you got to do! a looser wouldn't do anything! Take this time and enjoy it! I'm sure once you go back to work, it'll be non-stop! remember everything happens for a reason!