Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our weekend

Friday night started out with the Reese Football game VS Vassar! The good guys won 21-13....hmmm maybe it was 20-13...Gosh it's hard to watch when I don't understand football! I go there to chat and people watch...LOL. After the game I picked up my bestest friend from work...Dawn and we were off to Joe's bar! We got bombarded with questions about what happened at the store of course, but after that kind of settled down, we had a BLAST! We got lots of drinks bought for us, b/c we are unemployed...LMAO!! It was funny. We left about 11:30pm to get Kirbie K from her house since she turned 21 at midnight! We walked into her family all being at the bar and lots more drinks! I bought Kirbie a gross shot, LOL...bad Sherri...but it was funny! Kirbie was fine, but Dawn on the other hand was not. Kirbie, Dawn and 1 of Kirbie's friends did a shot of tequila and that put Dawn over the top....AHHH Anyways, after partying with Dawn on numerous occasions in the 4 years that I've known her...I personally have never seen her pray to the porcelain God at the bar...UNTIL Friday night...ohhh that poor girl! I felt so bad for her, because she just was not feeling well at all. Poor Shark (her hubby)....anyways, we had an amazing night HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRBIE!!!
The Birthday Girl! Love ya girl
The Birthday girl, Dawn and 1 of Kirbie's friends in the background!

Dawn's best friend Saundra came out to party it up with us!

Saturday Bryce had a soccer game in Frankenmuth! I do believe Bryce scored in the first minute of the game! It was GREAT!!! He was so excited. I think this was their hardest game but yet the good guys came up on top! 3-2! YEAH BRYCE He loves soccer and sure puts his whole heart into it!
Awesome kick buddy! (amazing pic by "G" also)

Another great kick and great the fact that you got the ball in the pic also!

Bryce as goalie picking up a shot! Great job dude!

Drew had a football game at 3 in Vassar so after picking up a few groceries for taco salad, we ran home, made that quick, then were off to Vassar! Drew's team scored first making the score 6-0 but then the other team came back and scored 3 times! We lost yet another game! Maybe after loosing 3 games out of 3....they will be sick of loosing and really try next weekend. I will not be at the game b/c he plays in Clio at 9 and Bryce plays in Frankenmuth at 10! Anyways...GL Drew we know you guys can win a game!
Drew standing for the Pledge of Allegiance before his game he looks so grown up! I am so proud of him!

Drew and his good friend Jared!
Drew hiking the ball!
After Drew's game, we ran home quick, Drew jumped in the shower and we were off to Frankenmuth again for a get together at Robin and Tim's house. There were lots of kids so the boys had a great time! Daddy played baseball and football with all the kids! No one got hurt either, so that was a Anyways, we got home about 11 and now today is a day to relax and cut up some wood...oh fun! The boys are also doing homework that they like to put off til the last day...turkeys!

Earlier in the week, I had taken Bryce into Reese to ride his bike without training wheels. I know he is late, but he just wasn't interested last summer and we were bad parents and didn't take him out this summer. The boys had gone with "G" and Papa to their friends cabin a few weeks ago, and Bryce wouldn't even try the 2 wheel bike for papa, so I knew we had to try! He also just got asked to go camping with a friend in a few weeks in Bay City and the friends mom said, "bring his bike" and I though UT OH! So we were off to parking lots in town. We met "G" at Trinity and after me barley starting him...he was OFF!!! He did amazing! He did fall a few times, just b/c the darn curbs ran out in front of him..LOL but nothing major. He sat for a few minutes and wanted right back on! The next day we took him to the HS parking lot to show daddy. I video taped and Adam showed him how to start! He did great! He is now a starting and stopping bike riding machine! He loved it too! "G" took a few pictures, so enjoy!
Mommy helping him get started when we first got there!
WOW look at me go! YEAH!
Thats all my up-dates Adam is off getting some more wood! (LOVE FREE HEAT!) lol


Cheryl and Doug said...

Loved the update. We are in Iowa but our thoughts are with you all..

Mingok said...

GREAT updates, glad to hear Drew is still playing football & know Bryce sure loves his soccer games! Glad also to hear he's riding a 2 wheeler, so when we camp next Memorial Day weekend, he'll be ready & raring to go!Poor DAWN hugging the porcelain goddess isn't FUN! See ya, Grandma Kay KAY

Dawn said...

Loved the update postie! You were a busy girl this weekend Sherri! Glad you had fun and wtg getting all those free drinks Friday night, too bad Dawn paid for it.

The guys are looking great in their sporting events! I'm sure you are so proud.

And finally awesome job Bryce on tackling the big two-wheeler! Big day!

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks everyone....we did have a fun filled weekend! I am so proud of both the boys on all their accomplishments! They make me 1 proud mommy and I love supporting them in all they do! I also love sharing all their big accomplishments with my blogging world!