Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st day of school

Drew's alarm went off at 6:41am.....he came down on his own as usual. I went up to get Bryce who was laying in his bed awake and EXCITED to start 1st grade. He jumped right in my arms and said he had been laying there after sleeping for a long time! LOL They ate breakfast and got dressed, brush teeth and put on shoes. I of course grabbed my camera to take 1st day of school pictures. Bryce stood right up with his back pack on and smiled for me. Drew....ha....I had to threaten to take a picture tomorrow when he gets on the bus OR today when I dropped him off, I could go inside and get a picture of him by his locker....LOL. He stood up and smiled at home (no friends around) Anyways, I dropped Drew off outside at the middle school. I took Bryce to his school, asked the helpers where he stands when he gets off the bus tomorrow, and we stood in line. I was the only mom with a 1st grader so I asked if he wanted me to leave or stay. He said to stay. When the bell rang, we went inside, found his hook outside his class room, he hung up his back pack, opened it up, grabbed out his folder, gave mom a kiss and he was off. I got out to the van, text Adam to tell him they were in class and I started crying! UGH!! This is my 2nd year with Bryce gone all day, so I thought I'd be ok...guess not. I took today off work so I could take them to school and pick them up...but now what do I do?!?! I guess I am going raspberry picking with Cheryl. Got to keep my-self busy! Adam told me I could split wood...LOL NOT!!! Anyways...here are their pictures!
Bryce ready for 1st grade!
Drew ready for 6th grade!
Both of my little indians ready for school!


Cheryl and Doug said...

Your boys are so cute. Another year. Drew is half way through to the end of high school. Can't wait to hear what they have to say about their first school day. See you raspberry picking...

sherri and Adam said...

Bryce says 1st grade is easy! They did math and it was simple. He doesn't have any new friends YET. His student teacher just listened today. Lauren has a baby brother. Libby got sick down by the office....LOL Trying to think of more things he told me.

Drew named off lots of friends that are in his classes and a few that he doesn't have in any classes. They took out their swing sets so all the can do is play basketball or football. The girls just walk around doing girl things. The class we were hoping was a homework/study hour is NOT. You are not allowed to do your homework in there...UGH. His new math teacher used to teach in Flint. Her name is Mrs. Edwards and she said his last name correct on the first try.

If I think of more...I will let you know, LOL


Mingok said...

Such CUTE boys, you can even see Bryce's missing tooth, he smiled so nice! Like Drews shirt, funny he picked that one to wear to school the first day! Love you all, Grandpa & Grandma Schuch

Dawn said...

Glad the boys had a good first day. Hopefully the whole week went well. The time sure does fly.

Jill said...

You think Bryce starting 1st grade is tough wait till 12th grade. Been a tough week for me.
The kids think I strange.