Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hmmmmm surgery or will it heal?!?!

While doing Adam's bandage tonight, he seems to think the cut is getting much better but doesn't think the bone is fixing itself. He says when he wiggles his finger, he can feel the broken off piece moving! GROSS! I guess it's a good thing we go back to the Dr. on Thursday and see what he has to say! He can squeeze his finger where the stitches are a bit more then he could, and as days pass, it looks better. But we just are unsure if the bone will need to be screwed back on....hmmm I did tell him it's only been a week since he broke it, but who knows. All I can do is pray that he won't need surgery when we go back on Thursday!

Tomorrow, I will post a few videos on here of Drew's football. They finished their season on Saturday. For now, I am off to bed. I actually worked today at Johnson's pumpkin farm for 7.5 hours. It was fun though and I got paid! LOL

Good night folks and Happy 36th birthday to my oldest sibling! love ya



Lisa said...

I hope all goea well with your son sher. I know how hard these things are..especially for the parents! I think we take it harder than them. Keep us posted okay,,,thanks

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks Lisa, but it's Adam with the broken finger (my hubby) although sometimes it seems I have 3 sons, LOL J/K. But thanks for the thoughtful would be extremely hard if this was happening to one of my sons, so I guess I should be greatful it's the hubby and he can handle the pain better! I will keep everyone posted!