Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Adam's Dr. up-date

Adam and I went to see Dr. Allport this morning. He was very nice! He looked at Adam's wound and cleaned it up (Adam said he was a bit rough) and basically after looking at the x-rays seems to think it will heal itself. He said the break is about a millimeter from the end of the bone, so hopefully it will just fuse back together. He does want to see him again a week from Thursday to take the stitches out and get a better look at it. It's still a little red and banged up, but all looks good. PHEW! He did take the whole day off today, so we enjoyed an afternoon together, and plans on doing the same when he gets the stitches out! Some of my family members have asked me to take pictures of the stitches, so I did tonight when my mom was over and changed his gauze. This picture is much prettier then it would have been before the stitches, but it's still not very pretty! Anyways, all looks good, so thanks for the prayers! ALSO, I did take a picture of his finger before the stitches, but not from the under side which was much worse, so if anyone wants to see that, let me know. That one I will not post on here! EWWWWW The break pretty much goes in the same direction as the stitches, because we have the CD of his x-rays! It's on a diagonal like that!


Cheryl and Doug said...

Thanks for taking such good care of my boy...Love you all...G

Dawn said...

Eew, definitely gross. Sounds like he's lucky he still has his finger though. Rough!

Glad he is recovering well.