Monday, October 27, 2008

Catch-up post

Here is a catch up post from our busy weekend!
Friday after school, Drew went to his friends Scott's house for a sleep over/birthday party. Adam and I took Bryce up to "The Rocket" and went bowling and ate pizza since it was a cold rainy night for a football game!

Bryce being a goofball after he threw his ball!

Standing there watching how many pins he dropped!

Bryce dancing with his ball before he threw it, LOL
Mommy posing for a picture!
Daddy giving a thumbs up after his "turkey" (show off)
Saturday afternoon we had Drew's football banquet! All the players and cheerleaders got a plaque for their efforts this season. We had good food too!
Drew with his plaque!
2008 JV1 #10 Drew................
Drew needed to make a "bug" for his science class. I bought a few items for this bug, and we finished it Saturday after the football banquet. Bryce thought it was so neat, that him and I made one also. He took his to school to show his class too! LOL
Bryce with his bug.....his has 8 legs!
Drew with his bug.....his has no legs, so it slithers
Both boys with their bugs!
Monday night we carved our pumpkins! The boys helped clean out their insides, then drew designs on their pumpkins and used the carving tools to cut them out! Bryce did just about all of his on his own this year! They had lots of fun! Daddy even carved a pumpkin too, while Mommy helped when needed and took pictures!
Shirtless Drew taking his pumpkin guts out!
Bryce taking his pumpkins guts out!
Drew using his pumpkin mouth for a uni brow ~he said that not me~ LOL
Bryce working SO hard to carve his pumpkin! His tongue is hanging out, LOL
Bryce having a blast carving!
Drew having fun carving his pumpkin!
Drew with his finished pumpkin! He says this is his signature smiley face! too funny!
Bryce with his pumpkin! AHHHHHHH scary!

From left to right~~~Drew's, Bryce's, Daddy's
(Adam used a pattern that looks like the wicked witch melting!)
That was our weekend, including yesterday!
Yesterday morning I went to the unemployment office for some testing and then had a career scope done. I was taking tests for over 3 hours! My brain hurt when it was done, LOL. In the career scope, it showed my interested is GREAT in law enforcement or special education. It did show some interest in what I think I'd enjoy doing. Although I did take a year of criminal justice before I had Drew. I thought that was interesting! Now I go Monday to fill out scholarship applications. Classes start again in Jan at Delta, so hopefully I can get in! Anyways, today is cleaning day, so I better get back to it! Take care!


Cheryl and Doug said...

loved all your updates. you guys always seem to have so much fun and stuff to do...enjoy reading about it immensely...'g'

Dawn said...

Good catch up post. Sounds like you guys are busy but having fun all the time! Great pics too!

Lisa said...

Sherri, you guys are as busy as us...I didnt think that was But it looks like you all had fun. Love the pumpkins. The bugs as well.