Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursdays walk

I had to work this morning, got out at about 2:15pm. Came home, checked e-mails, read mail, played with the dogs, played a game or 2 on the Internet. When the boys got home, we headed into Bay City to my parents house for dinner. My niece and I ran a few errands. After dinner, my mom and I went on her "usual" walk but she only walks about 1 mile - 3 times a day. This was the only time I had to get my walk in. The doggies didn't get to go tonight, oh well. I think tomorrow, while Drew is at baseball practice, maybe I will stay in Reese and walk thru town. Something different. I also got on the scale last night and then again tonight, and it says I lost 2 pounds. I'm not really 100% believing that, but I guess it's better then going up...LOL. Off to read and go to bed. Night folks.

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