Thursday, April 10, 2008

a few things to add....

Today Adam was my hero and took care of the dead mouse I saw laying in the back yard, right outside of the garage door. I happened to look up yesterday morning while doing dishes, and saw it laying there. It was gross. Of course us chickens stayed in the house and laughed at him trying to scoop it up in the shovel. I think it was frozen under snow at one time.

Last week, Adam and I had a rough week, and were hardly speaking to each other. He did something that both shocked me, and hurt me. So while I was at work on Friday, I got a dozen long stem roses delivered to me.

Today while running errands, the boys picked out a flag football game at Target. We bought it, and made sure it was "cool" by daddy that we kept it. He said yes, so tonight Bryce and I played against Daddy and our living room. I think Bryce and I won....but who's keeping track!!! It was fun and I was sweating!!! LOL WTG Bryce....we kick BUTT!! If it wasn't so cold outside, I may have allowed everyone to go out in the mud and play like the boys!!! BRRRRRRR too cold..maybe 1 day we will do that.

Anyways, that was our exciting day!!


Dawn said...

Sorry you and Adam had a rough week. How sweet of him to get you flowers though as a peace offering.

Flag football sounds like fun, much more calorie burnage than from your walks I bet too.

Mingok said...

Still Mom trying to leave comment, we'll see if it works!
Very informative as to what goes on everyday at your house! Love ya, MOM

Cheryl and Doug said...

We all have bad times...i'm glad he's still your hero