Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Puzzles and Molly...LOL

Bryce has been into putting puzzles together lately, and I figured since they are on "winter break" why not?!?! He's done 2 ~ 100 piece puzzles so far, with a little help getting the edges together. He wanted to try a bigger puzzle, so mommy had to take the 2 smaller ones apart to make room on the table. Well he got made until I told him I'd take a picture of them. So I wanted to share with everyone.

Also, last night Bryce and Drew were messing around and of course Molly was right there. She somehow got in the middle and Bryce came up crying. From what we understand, Drew was sitting on Bryce, and maybe Molly thought she was helping Bryce, but scratched him instead. Thought I'd share his battle wound!!! While trying to get a good picture of Bryce's face, Molly had to come see what was going I snapped a few of them together.

1 comment:

Cheryl and Doug said...

bryce looks so different to me with the longer hair...they change so much...glad to hear about the puzzles, didn't know he liked them so much. 'G'