Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The boys fish

For his 6th birthday, Bryce wanted nothing more then a 10 gallon fish tank, like his big brother had. What a great grandma Kay Kay and grandpa RaRa he has. They bought this big present for him. He was very excited, and insisted he knew what it was before he opened it. He was correct!!! A few days after that, we went to Meijers where he picked out 2 fish and 1 algee eater. He feeds his fish every morning and every night. His fish mean a lot to him. Here is a pic I took of him last night by his tank.

Drew got a small 1 gallon fish tank for his 11th birthday from a friend. We put that together, then quickly realized it wasn't going to be big enough for what he wanted. He used his birthday money and bought a 10 gallon tank, and some neat things to go in it for the fish. On Christmas Eve, mommy was cleaning out both boys tanks, and somehow killed 3 fish....(bad mommy) so after Bryce got his fish tank for his birthday, we went to Meijers and bought new fish. Drew also picked out 2 fish. Both his are gold fish, 1 much bigger then the other. He also bought an algee eater 9in hopes of mom not having to clean the tanks so often!!!) Here he is with his fish tank.

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