Monday, November 10, 2008

A HUGE step for ME!!!

Although this may seem like a small step to others, I took a huge step this morning, and signed back up for college. I am officially a DELTA COLLEGE student. I talked to a counselor this morning and some what figured what I wanted to be when I grow up. He was super nice and explained a lot to me. I know I want to get into physical therapy, but I am unsure how far I wanna go with it. I could just be an assistant and get that done at Delta, other then doing my clinicals, OR I could become a physical therapist with pursuing my degree either at CMU or UofM Flint campus. This is super big for me, since I gave up my schooling to have children. Although I LOVE my 2 boys to death, the store closing has turned into something really big for me. I need to better my future and make sure I can afford to send my children to college! I showed them my student ID card and they both said they were proud of me, which brought tears to my eyes! I want nothing more then to make my children proud of their mommy! So please wish me luck. I sign up for classes tomorrow. : ) IF anyone has any pointers for me or any advice, please feel free!


Cheryl and Doug said...

Doug & I are very proud of this big step for you. You can do anything you set your mind to...

Lisa said...

sherri, that is wonderful! See, god works in mysterious ways. Had the store not closed you might not have done this. I wish you all the best and I know you will do great..Good luck

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks you guys! Adam and i talked a bit tonight about it, and money wise and time wise, I think just getting a PTA will be good for us. I kind of think by the time I get to a major college, Drew will be about ready to start, and I would like to have some cash already put away from a new exciting PTA job by then to give us some cushion. But my eyes are still open for awhile longer. I am excited!

Robin Roberts said...

This is giving me Christmas gift ideas!

I know exactly what you're going to need.

Good luck with everything...and, remember, you can write papers and study at my house on Tuesdays!!

Robin Roberts said...

And, happy anniversary!

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks Robin and sure if you've got Christmas idea for your mom as well...go for it, LOL You crack me up. I am still trying to keep Tuesdays open when planning classes, but I'll let you know in a few days when I get them. I am waiting to hear about a pelgrant and financial aid first. : )

Thanks for remembering today was our anniversary! I spent it in the Dr. office with Bryce. He has a bad right ear infection. Woke us up at 6am screaming! Then threw up about 6 times today too....then I just got home from parent/teacher conferences for Drew. Ha Happy Anniversary! Adam and I just shared a footlong sub at the dinner table together. Doesn't get any more romantic then that eh?

Robin Roberts said...

Need Drew gift ideas!

sherri and Adam said...

Ha me too.....Clothes size 14 for jeans and shirts or a mens small or medium shirt. Medium will be a little big and last longer. Nintendo DS game called SPORE CREATURES. : )

Dawn said...

Congratulations Sherri!! That is wonderful news and non-traditional students are so much more appreciative of the college opportunity. I know you'll do very well and we'll of course be putting your new PT skills to use with Super Aus!

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks Dawn...he was a HUGE inspiration to me, and really made me choose this field! He has had a super impact on my life and I am extremely grateful! : )

Dawn said...

Awe Sherri - I'm going to cry. That is one of the sweetest things...I'm glad that he impacted you as much as you impacted he & Tommy. They are both part of who they are because of you. I'm sure you will do amazing things in the field for many many people.

sherri and Adam said...

OK, now you just made me cry! I still have very big thoughts of opening up a day care again in my home, but I honestly think in the long run, going back to school and getting a degree is what will be best for my family. Although I really want to babysit your new little angel in the oven! I am working around Tuesdays to babysit for Robin and Tim, so I suppose I'll get my fix of babies that way, but your kids are so amazing and I am very grateful I had them as long as I did! Aus really is a HUGE inspiration to me....and man Tommy is just an amazing little boy that stole my heart! Aren't you and Joe ready for "date night" soon...LOL : )