Friday, June 6, 2008

A scary ordeal for my nephew in FL

Hey all. I have a prayer request once again. My sister that lives in Florida called me this morning crying. Here is the story that she told me. Last summer my nephew Gage got a red ant bite, and it never really healed. There has always been a bump from it. Well on Wednesday morning, when they got him up for his last day of school, the area around the bite was red and looked very infected and was very swollen. She called his ped. and he looked at it, put him on an antibiotic and sent him on his way. He went to school for his last day. We I guess last night the infection got worse, started going up his leg, making his leg swollen and his ankle is still swollen. (my sister's fiancee had MRSA last summer) Now they are thinking Gage has it. She called his ped. again, and has to take him in at 10:10am today. In order for them to check for MRSA they have to cut a bit of the infected area out and send it to a lab. That takes 3 days for the results to come back. With Todd having it, she knows what to look for and all the signs are the same. She is EXTREMELY worried and was crying quite a bit this morning!! After I post my prayer request on here, I am calling our Church to add him to it there. So please everyone, say an extra prayer for Gage. Lets pray that it is NOT MRSA and just a minor infection that can be cleared in a few days. Gage is 8 and a half years old. I don't have a current picture of him, or else I'd post 1 on here. Anyways, just keep him and their family in your prayers. My sister is going to either call me or my mom after they leave his Dr. appointment this morning, and let us know what they are thinking. If they think it is MRSA, but have to send the sample out and wait 3 days, he will more then likely be sent right over to the hospital and begin treatments as if it were. What a very scary ordeal for anyone, especially an 8 year old little guy!!

We are thinking about you Gage and praying things will work out, and you'll be back to normal soon!! Love ya buddy!!

Thanks everyone!


Mingok said...

Great write up, waiting to hear from Stacey. Love MOM

Dawn said...

How scary. I hope that Gage doesn't have MRSA, but if he does they can get to work on treating it. He and the family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jill said...

Hope gage is doing fine! We have him in our prayers!!
Keep us posted!!

Dawn said...

Any update on Mr. Gage?