Thursday, June 12, 2008

Major's play offs

Drew's first play off game was last night. They won I believe 10-7. He got a hit and made it to 1st, stole to 2nd and 3rd on over-throws but the next guy up struck out, so he never got home! Oh well. It was a great game, and he had LOTS of family there cheering him on. They now play at 5:30 on Friday night. Hopefully they win, and won't play until Monday evening. If thats the case, we can take of to Petosky, like planned. If they lose, Adam takes off alone, and I get to stay in town for a game on Saturday. Good luck Drew!! WTG on your hit and win.


1 comment:

Cheryl and Doug said...

I'm so proud of you Drew. I hope you enjoy playing ball with your friends. 'G'