Friday, June 13, 2008

Play offs....

Drew's team got 2 innings in tonight before the lightening came. It had been sprinkling for a bit, and thundering, but then it was called for a lightening delay. After about a 15 minute wait, and the lightening not stopping, the game was called and rescheduled for 1pm on Saturday. We are unsure b/c the game was tied 2-2, if they will just start a whole new game, or pick-up where it was left off at. Anyways, I had done laundry and packed today so we could go to Petosky. We went to Papios for dinner, came home, and Adam left alone. I have un-packed most of our stuff, but was quite bummed that we were unable to go. There is already 1 boy on Drew's team that is unable to make the 1pm game tomorrow, so he kind of really should be there. Adam just texted me and told me he just passed West Branch. He should be to our friends house about 11 or a little after. Anyways, I cried when Adam left, b/c I really wanted to go with him. O well. Last year, Adam and I were going thru some VERY tough times. I texted him earlier and told him how far we had come in a year. Last year I was looking forward to him leaving for this tourney so I could have a weekend away from him. This year I cried when he left. I am tearing up right now, which seems stupid, b/c he may even be home tomorrow night, if they loose. Anyways, Just wanted to post on here that he plays Saturday at 1pm, and we are still in town, well the little boys and I are.


Dawn said...

Sorry the game got rained out. Hopefully Drew can win so it will be all worthwhile.

Glad to hear that you and Adam are doing so well. Everyone goes through those rough times, we just have to remember that we can get back to the good stuff with some hard work. Here's hoping for many more happy days for both of you.

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks Dawn!!!