Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last 2 week...up dates

So, because my ribs have been hurting, I haven't posted much on here, since it hurt to sit here. Today I am off and am going to make a good attempt at up-dating the last few weeks. I am STILL trying to post a video. If anyone has any helpful hints on how to do it, please let me know. I can't seem to figure it out!! UGH. Anyways. My ribs have been in since Mother's Day when I woke and couldn't breathe again. I called the chiropractor and he met Adam and I at his office. I am back to work, since Saturday after taking about a week and a half off. I am still a little sore and still not lifting. But I would guess I am back about 90%. Here are our up-dates.

I don't think I put any of Bryce's opening day ceremony pictures on here yet, so as I look thru pics, I will post 1 of those. These are from t-ball.

Bryce in the middle, with big smile.
During our big garage sale, the boys were being goofie riding their scooters around the tables when no one was around. I added to their goofie-ness and put some hats on them that we were selling. Too cute.
Drew wearing a spider winter hat.

Bryce wearing the head of a dinosaur halloween costume.

Bryce's soccer season is done now. They ended up being undefeated in the Spring, but had 1 tie. Their last game we left tied 1-1. O well. They did awesome. Bryce's coaches were GREAT and he became good friends with the coaches son from Frankenmuth. We are going to have him over to play and vise versa. His coach asked if we were planning on moving Bryce up to the next level or not. He said according to his age, he could stay at this level, but he is very ready to bump up. Adam and I have talked about it, but we still aren't sure yet. IF we leave him where he's at, he will dominate but if we bump him up, he will learn SO much more. In the next level there is a goalie also. He LOVES being defense, so thats a bonus for him. Sign up is May 28th (a week away, so we have to figure out what we are going to do!)
Bryce with his cousin Dustin who plays soccer in Bay City.

Bryce and 5 other team mates and his 2 coaches.

Bryce finally had his t-ball pictures taken last week. They were cancelled about 2 times. I snapped a few and wanted to share. Drew also had a game that night, so I got a picture of the 2 of them in their ball uniforms.
Both ball players.

Bryce with his t-ball team and coach. (2nd from left standing.)

Bryce had his Kindergarten Spring Concert on Monday night. He had to dress as a clown. I put face "paint" on him. I learned that boys don't like being told their clown make-up looks good, because boys don't wear make-up. They wear face paint!! He is such a shy little guy, so when the curtains opened up, he was right in the front row, and I thought for sure he was going to take off and go cry, but he held his own, and did great. He was the cutest little clown ever!! The kids sang 9 songs and did different hand gestures and things for each song. Bryce did great even thought he's so shy when it comes to stuff like this. Now sports, thats another story, LOL.

What a cute clown!!

Drew had his 5th grade awards assembly yesterday morning. Grandma Cheryl and I went to it. Were were very excited when he was called up there for Computers MOST IMPROVED and Science HARDEST WORKER. He also received all A - B honor roll and every 5th grader received the Smart Moves reward. The smart moves was something they were required to do. Officer Hadd came into their science class for 3 weeks, every tues and thurs and taught them about drugs, peer pressure, how to say no and smart moves. It was interesting and very helpful. After they completed this, they went swimming at the Midland Community Center (last Thursday) with Officer Hadd. Here are his rewards he received. CONGRATULATIONS Drew......we are extremely proud of you!!

Top left is the smart moves award. Top right is the A-B honor role.
Bottom left is the hardest worker science, and bottom right is most improved in computers.

After I left Drew's 5th grade rewards assembly, I went to Bryce's field day. I missed a few things, but watched about 5 different games his class played. They all wore orange Reese Field Day t-shirts, which made it so much easier for me to find the kindergarten class LOL. In these pictures he is doing the long jump which he tied for 1st place on, and there are 3 of the 4 runners in his relay race they did around the track. He had a great time, but was VERY tired after as were all the kids.

Bryce smiling with his field day shirt on.

Long jump....GOOOOOOOO Bryce

Bryce, Cody and Nathan....3 of 4 in relay race.

Bryce had another t-ball game last night as well. He got to be catcher. He was very excited and did a great job. They of course don't keep score in t-ball yet, but he did great.

Big smile.

Getting ready......

Cute catcher ready for that ball.

Super close up, taken by big brother.

Playing right field, ready for that ball.

Adam went to see his Dr. on Monday after work, to get the results of his MRI. We found out that he pulled both ligaments on either side of his ankle, and there is fluid around his ankle. He has to soak his foot in warm water for 20 minutes a few times every night, and he has to get a medicine to take as well. If his ankle doesn't feel better in 6 weeks, he is to go back to the Dr. to see what else we need to do. I think he's planning on playing ball this weekend while the boys are camping and I am working. He will miss a game tonight due to both little men having games tonight also.

I also wanted to post a HUGE thank you to "G", Papa and Grandma KayKay for all the love and support at all the boys ball games. All 3 of you have been to a few games and I know the boys really appreciate it. Also, Aunt Bobbie and Aunt Pam took time out last week to come watch a t-ball game and a Major game, on a chillie night!! Thank you!!! Well......I do believe thats enough for now. Once I learn how to post a video, I will get a few of them on here. Sorry so long, but I was absent for a few weeks, LOL.

Tootles ~SHERRI~


Dawn said...

Great postie Sherri! Looks like you guys are so busy but that isn't always a bad thing.

Bryce is looking SO much like Adam now that his hair is longer. Especially in the clown pic, it's almost scary how much he looks like him.

I think you'll be happy if you move Bryce up in soccer. We had the same fears with Tommy and hockey but it was a smart move and you're right they learn so much more.

Great job to Drew on all his awards and surviving the first year of middle school. 6th grade will be a piece of cake now.

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks Dawn. I think we will bump Bryce up in soccer.

We are very proud of Drew. The first year in middle school started out very rough for the whole school I think, but settled down a lot. The fact that they have the same teachers in 6th that they had in 5th is wonderful. I even think they get the same lockers, so we won't need to learn a new combo...LOL That can cause lots of headaches. Adam could NEVER deny his youngest.....the oldest just looks more like mom then dad. Bryce is a mini version of Adam 100%...sports, looks and attitude, LOL

Mingok said...

Great Posts Sherri, Like reading all about your family goings on! Love ya, MOM