Friday, May 30, 2008

Bryce looking suspicious.

Weeeee this is FUN!

Drew at the top!

Drew zooming down!!!

Drew at the bottom!

Drew and the soft cushion at the bottom.

This is what the boys did after their half day of school (last day). What goofie little men I have. I even had to slide down after I went up with laundry. It was quite fun, I must admit.


Mingok said...

Are you guys sliding down 2 mattresses inside Bryce slippery sleeping bag?? Lokks like fun!
Grandma Kay Kay

sherri and Adam said...

Yuppers thats what they were doing.....goof balls. They tore the beds apart right when they got home, before lunch I think, and we didn't get them back together til half time of the pistons game which started at 8:30pm...LOL they did it for a long time.

Cheryl and Doug said...

Sherri your site looks so professional. Keep up the good work of letting us grandmas know what the kids are doing. Love all the pictures...

Dawn said...

Ha! I remember doing that as a kid. Fun fun! It wasn't as much fun as we got older and taller though. We used to go down in sleeping bags.

Your hair looks great! And the blog layout is looking good too! Love the change!

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks Dawn....

Boys slid down in Bryce's sleeping bag, b/c its slippery. I told them to prop the front door open and get a sled, see if they could make it to the grass!! Could you imagine, LOL