Drew ready for laser tag!
Bryce ready to shoot his daddy!
Daddy and Bryce on the go carts!
Drew smiling for a picture at putt-putt
Bryce teeing off!
Drew trying to get par.
Bryce trying for par!
Daddy and Bryce smiling for a picture!
We also went to dinner then the driving range in Reese a few weeks ago, and yes I even hit some balls.
Bryce got a hair cut before school starts again. He didn't get lots off, but at least he can see.
Nice hair cut sweet potato!
We went to 1st grade open house on Wednesday. He has Mrs. Church and was really happy. He has a few friends he knows in his class but will also make lots of new friends. They even have their own desks this year. Big step.
We got into the middle school a few times this week so Drew could try his new locker and get things ready for Tuesday. He isn't that worried about this year, since he has his foot in the door already, and mom is much more comfortable this year as well.
Drew had a football scrimmage on Thursday night. They played in Millington, against their youth teams. Although there was no score keeper and no refs, Drew's team won both scrimmages. 12-0 and 18-0. On the first play, Drew was the center and hiked the ball, then he blocked and the quarter back ran up the middle for a TD!
The boys spent the night at "G" and Papa's last night, so Adam and I went to Applebees for dinner then came home to watch a movie together on the couch. What a nice peaceful dinner and movie.
After watching Miss Molly for awhile, I realized she was in heat. UGH Oh fun fun trying to put a size 6 diaper on a 10 month old basset hound. She is actually very good once it's on...but she thinks I want to rub her tummy when I come by her, so she rolls over. Nearly impossible to get a diaper on a dog while laying on their back!!
Molly eating with a diaper on!
My little man is growing up!!! Someone lost his first tooth this morning while at "G" and Papa's. He did make a phone call and tell his he pulled it out, and I was about in tears. I was happy because he had been wiggling it FOREVER, but I was sad because I wasn't there and because he is growing up.
Cute smile with a tooth missing!
Real close up of the hole.
We went to Grandma Bergmans and did lots of work around her place today. I took a few pictures, so here they are.
Alec striking a pose...LOL
Uncle Mike and a friend being men...using the chain saw.
Bryce doing LOTS of raking! What a huge help he was.
Uncle Paul and Dad in the loader bucket (I was on the roof when I took the pic)
Adam is on the roof of the shed, Uncle Paul and dad in the loader bucket. Uncle Mike driving.
Bryce on a ledge in the shed.
Drew climbing down the ladder after hanging out on the roof of the shed.
Working on the shed again. We had to cut part of it down, because it was on the neighbors property.
I do believe thats pretty much all our news as of late. Thank you to the family and friends that ordered from Drew's football sales items!! I will get those items to you as soon as we get them in! Boys go back to school Tuesday! This summer went by very fast, but the boys are starting to get on each others nerves and fighting, so I guess it's time!
Love looking at all your pics on your site. I'm sorry Bryce was here when he lost his tooth but the first thing he thought about was mom and dad. I just loved spending time with them the last few days. Thanks for all your help at my moms. We couldn't do it without all your help.
It's not your fault he lost it at your house. I knew that was a strong possibility. I knew how loose it was, but I can't tell them they can't sleep at your house incase he looses his tooth. I knew they were in good hands and you'd help if he was hurting when it came out. I am very glad he thought about calling us. It still makes me sad, but I will live.
We enjoy spending time at your moms and helping. I know she appreciates it! That's what family is for. Thanks again for the baskets.
Thanks for also helping so much this week while Caitlyn went back to school. You guys were a life saver! With them starting school soon, and you guys leaving in a few weeks, I know you'd like to spend as much time with them as possible.
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