Sunday, January 13, 2008

Gonna give this blogging a shot....

Sup everyone. A dear friend of mine just showed me her blog, and I thought it was great!!! I think I am gonna give this a shot. Not sure how it will go, but it's worth a shot. Adam's side has a "family blog" so I know a bit about blogging. My friend just gives her family and friends up-dates on big events or not so big events....(just kidding Dawn) that are going on in their lives. We shall see how long I keep this up!!! I'm sure eventually, I'll even post pistures, LOL. But don't push it!!

Today we celebrated bryce's 6th birthday party!!! First we went to Church where Drew had to acolyte. Too bad his wick was too short, and the elder had to come help him. Oh well, not his fault. Then after mom mentioned to Pastor that it was Bryce's 6th birthday, they had a childrens lesson. While Bryce (and daddy) were in front of Church, we all sang to him. kind of different, I've never sang happy birthday in Church, but I'm sure Bryce felt special having soo many people singing to him. Then at 2pm.....1 minute after he was born 6 years ago, we had family over. What a house full. Bryce got many awesome presents and lots of money to buy a few wii games. We did lots of visiting and had great snacks. THANK YOU for helping us celebrate his wonderful day!!! ( maybe I'll post pics of his party 1 day)

After everyone left, the boys (all 3) and mommy played his new wii game. Smooth moves. Lots and lots of laughing. Drew has awesome dance moves, LOL!!! Should have gotten the video camera out!! The boys had to go to bed, although they wanted to play more. Tomorrow's another day!! Now mommy is catching up on e-mails and reading blogs! How fun. Leave your comments and give me pointers on blogging.....hehehe

Although today was a GREAT day and a day of celebrating, it's also a very hard day for me every year. This is the day that the most amazing and wonderful little girl in my life passed away!!! It is a day I will NEVER EVER forget!!! I remember the phone call we got that day, like it was yesterday!!! He Aunt called our house to talk to my mom, who was at work. When my mom got home, we told her to call their house. She took off and told my sister and I to stay home and she'd call us soon. My best friend Diana was over. The phone rang, my sis and I were both on it, and my mom told us that Emily had died in her sleep. I dropped the phone and fell on the ground crying!!! Emily has a twin sister, Erica. My sister and I babysat for them very often. Emily was always my little buddy and Erica was my sisters!! I was 12 years old, so it's been awhile. She was 6 years old when she died!! WOW how I miss her and think of her often!!! Tuesday on my day off, I'll drive to BC to the cemetary and have a great cry!!! I think it's just amazing that Bryce was induced on the 12th but waited til the 13th to be born. I tell him often that he has a little guardian Angel watching over him!!! R.I.P Emily. I miss you more and more every day!!! Please continue to watch over us. I'll see you again one day, I'm am sure of it!!! I carry a few pictures of Emily in my purse and look at them often!!

Enough about that, as I am sitting her crying!!! How that brings me back to 12 years old again!!!
Take care.


Cheryl and Doug said...

Hi Sherri-just got into your blog. Sounds like you all had a great day on the 13th. Know that Emily is with God and you will see her again. Love Mom

Dawn said...

Cool Sherri!! I look forward to hearing all about life! Happy Belated Birthday to Mr. Bryce! What a sweet tribute to little Emily, such a sad story.

sherri and Adam said...

Thanks for the comments, I am trying, LOL maybe i'll get pics up today who knows.....